
ActiVAtED Learning Adventures 2024

Ends Dec 31, 2024


Full course description

Pack Your Bags for Tech-Focused ActiVAtED Learning Adventures Webinars & Podcast

From VDOE, Virtual Virginia, Blue Ridge PBS & VSTE

The webinar series, podcast, and course are presented by the VDOE in partnership with Virtual Virginia and Blue Ridge PBS and in collaboration with VSTE. The series will feature discussions with leading educators throughout Virginia about what gets them energized and excited in using technology to inspire student engagement. The 12-episode season will launch new episodes every two weeks. Check them out here or on ECHO (via YouTube). The podcast is also available on AppleSpotify, and Amazon Music

Webinars will be part of the VVA Statewide Weekly Meetings held Tuesdays at 1 p.m. starting May 28.

A note about professional learning course content hosted by VVA on the statewide LMS

Sign up for this course today!
